Our Legal Fees Explained

The Claiborne Firm Legal Fees Explained

There are few decisions as important, or as challenging, as choosing the right attorney for your needs. So much rides on the success of your case, with long-term ramifications of the court’s decision playing a heavy role in your future. As such, it helps to look at the two largest factors that go into that decision.

Preparation for Your Case

The attorney/client relationship is one that, above all, is built on trust. The responsibility for creating that trust falls almost entirely on the attorney and their ability to prepare their client for every aspect of what they’ll face in court. Regardless if it is family law, personal injury, or criminal defense case, preparation is paramount.

At the Claiborne Firm, we begin on day one, walking through your case as if it is going to trial. That means exhaustively investigating and collecting evidence as early as possible, creating an advantage over the opposing counsel that leads to favorable outcomes.

It also means educating you about the risks, intricacies, and specifics of your legal situation. A knowledgeable client is a prepared client, and our attorneys pride themselves on giving you the tools you need. This close partnership requires close communication, and to ensure you can reach us when needed, each client is given their attorney’s personal cell phone.

It also requires collaborative creativity. At The Claiborne Firm, we employ a unique collective approach to problem-solving, with every attorney working in tandem to brainstorm and execute solutions. When you retain us, you retain the entire firm. This creative method means we can find the best way to tell your story, see that justice is served, and ensure the best outcomes.

This personalized attention is a direct result of our core philosophy. As a boutique law firm, we aspire to give each client quality representation rather than simply churn through a high volume of cases. We invest in you and your case, building our reputation one client at a time.

Attorney Fees

As important as the quality of your representation is to you, it’s also vital that your attorney can deliver value for the fees they command. Fees can vary wildly from firm to firm, but so too does that value. As the old saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” There are firms whose fees may look like a bargain on paper, but fail to deliver on quality. Likewise, there are firms whose fees are prohibitively expensive for the average client, making it a moot point what kind of quality they deliver.

At The Claiborne Firm, we place a higher expectation on ourselves to provide superior representation and the best value to our clients to obtain the best possible outcome for their legal matter.

Consultation Fees

The Claiborne Firm charges a $425 consultation fee for family law matters, which can be explained in-depth on the family law section of our website. After the initial consultation, once we understand the specific needs of your family law matter, we will quote you a retainer fee. A retainer fee is payment made in advance before any legal work is undertaken. The full amount is placed in trust and no monies are drawn from our firm’s trust account until work is done.  Determined beforehand through a retainer fee contract, your attorney will then be able to draw from these funds for any fees as the case proceeds.

For criminal defense, personal injury, and civil rights matters we offer free, no-obligation consultations. After our initial consultations, we will be able to tell you how much a fee will be charged for criminal defense and whether you have a plausible personal injury or civil rights case.  If you have a plausible personal injury or civil rights case, we will offer a contingency fee contract.

Contingency Fees

Unlike retainer fees, a contingency fee does not collect any money upfront from the client. Instead, a contingency fee is paid through a percentage of your monetary award following either a settlement or successful verdict for a given case. This places the risk entirely on the attorney, as they receive nothing unless you do.

You can learn more about the structure of our fees by submitting your contact information below or calling (912)351-8775.


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